Real World Example:

I’m a slightly chubby guy who likes to run (hey, cardio and donuts are all about balance, right?). Running helps calm my noodle—dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins give me that much-needed focus. But

here’s the thing: stopping mid-run to jot down ideas isn’t exactly practical (plus, it ruins my flow!). So, a while back, I started dictating notes on my smartwatch. The problem? I ended up with a bunch of audio files that did me no good.

As tech evolved, I turned those notes into text, but I hit another wall—not having them in a connected system was a pa

in. Sure, releasing those thoughts freed up brain space, but without easy access to them, they became out of sight and out of mind—useless! Naturally, I wanted to reinvent the wheel and build my own Second Brain repository (because why not make things harder, right? 😆). That’s the thing about ADHD: we love solving problems from new angles, even when solutions already exist. Why? Well, we crave novelty, hyperfocus kicks in, and sometimes... we forget that ready-made solutions are already out there. It’s a positive trait, but sometimes, you’ve just got to go with the flow.

Once I set aside my ego and accepted that existing systems (like Obsidian) let me customize my workflow (and, more importantly, integrate all my scattered entry points), things started popping. For example, I’ve set up templates in Obsidian that auto-categorize my notes based on context (work, personal, projects). This small tweak saves me from hunting down ideas later, keeping my brain clear for the next burst of brilliance.

Moving forward:

My process isn’t perfect—and that’s okay. One of the biggest hurdles with adopting any system is accepting that it won’t be as flawless as you imagine in that wild noodle of yours, but it’s really starting to take shape. Right now, my project list includes automating the process so my audio files are automatically turned into text and imported. I’m digging into ways to leverage AI to make my Second Brain more brain-ish by auto-tagging notes into actionable categories.

How do you handle those “out of sight, out of mind” moments? What tools or tricks do you use to stay organized with ADHD? Let’s compare strategies! 👇 #ADHDLife #HeroMaker #SecondBrain #AI #SuperManGoals #jimmydnet